Water Purifier Equipment Service

Configuring Simply C2 for Water Purifier Equipment Service

Free or premium: considerable value

How Simply C2 helps in Water Purifier Equipment Service

field repair water purification equipment
Water purification equipment service

Why Simply C2 for Water Purifier Equipment Service

Implement Simply C2 for Water Purifier Equipment Service. Your customers will thank you. Simply C2 simplifies all stages of customer service in the field. It can also be configured as a service centre automation product. It saves you money, shortens response time.

Simply C2 automates the entire water purifier equipment service process. This includes ticketing, incident management and problem resolution. By utilizing Simply C2, you can streamline operations, minimize downtime, and enhance user experiences.

Simply C2 provides a centralized platform for handling all service tasks, improving collaboration among teams.

As the demand for water purifier equipment grows, the service needs grow as well. Simply C2 with its intuitive interface and fast set up stands out. It helps to log tickets, track them to closure, send customer alerts, generate itemized estimates and helps manage your stock of spare parts.

Simply C2 configured for water purifier Service helps you to deliver exceptional services. Adopting Simply C2 service CRM is key to improving customer satisfaction and repeat buys.

Water purifier equipment service in the field

Water Purifier Equipment Service in field

Key Features- field service

Simply C2 Software was configured to manage Water Purifier Equipment service at customer location. Its key features are:

  1. Service ticketing from
    1. Web based client
    2. Simply C2 client- configured for both the customer and service user. Yes! Your customer can directly log complaints and track progress through their free app access.
    3. Location tracking of and guidance to technician.
    4. Real-time updates:
      1. Every stage of the repair process will be initimated to your customer and your users to ensure things are on track.
      2. Notifications can be sent througn the app as well as WhatsApp.
    5. Service history: track service history for every equipment since installation including spares used, amount spent on repairs and so on.
    6. Itemwise repair estimate and online payment. Clear approval loop.
    7. Spare parts usage and inventory tracking.
    8. Reporting and Analytics: A large set of reports help keep track of Water Purifier Equipment Service.

Water Purifier Equipment Service in service centre

Key Features- service centre automation

Simply C2 Software was configured to manage Water Purifier Equipment service in own service centre. Its key features are:

  1. Service ticketing from
    1. Web based client
    2. Simply C2 client- configured for both the customer and service user. Yes! Your customer can directly log complaints and track progress through their free app access.
    3. Real-time updates:
      1. Every stage of the repair process will be initimated to your customer and your users to ensure things are on track.
      2. Notifications can be sent througn the app as well as WhatsApp.
    4. Service history: track service history for every equipment since installation including spares used, amount spent on repairs and so on.
    5. Itemwise repair estimate and online payment. Clear approval loop.
    6. Spare parts usage.
    7. Reporting and Analytics: A large set of reports help keep track of Water Purifier Equipment Service.

In case you need any help, please email us at simply@simplyc2.com or leave a message through the web form at our Contact Us page.