Telecom tower maintenance case study

Country-wide Field service management software
A Simply C2 Case Study

Telecom Tower maintenance in 4 states

250 service personnel in the field for PM, repair, refueling

Telecom tower Maintenance

Telecom Tower Maintenance: Background and operational challenges

Simply C2 was used to run complete Telecom Tower Maintenance operations in a country.

Background: A large mobile telephony network operator in a large riverine country engaged our customer to provide complete maintenance of Telecom Tower equipment.

The equipment included:

  • DG Sets
  • Batteries
  • Other electrical equipment

They wanted to perform the following activities:

  • Ad hoc maintenance – Repair
  • Pre-planned maintenance- PM
  • Refuel of Diesel Gensets
  • Topping up batteries
  • Site clean-ups

Our customer had a service delivery contract for Telecom Tower Maintenance with the Telecom Service Provider with stringent SLA. While they had to do this over 2000 sites, the number of equipment were above 8000.

Further, service requirement and data gathering requirements were different for each equipment types and types of services above.

Customer objectives behind Telecom Tower Maintenance Services

Top priorities for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Strategic objectives for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Obsolescence planning

The customer had to share health data for all equipment regularly with their client. Additionally, data for each type of equipment was different. The client used the data for planning obsolescence and replacement of equipment.

Cost optimization on operations
They had to carefully track all expenses associated with telecom tower maintenance. In fact, operational cost minimization was their path to profitability.

People planning
The company wanted to profile the type of field service requirements in Telecom Tower Maintenance. Then understand the skills needed, and assign the right people to the right issues.

Operational metrics for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Asset management
Updated health status of equipment: The company wanted to be on top of the uptodate health status for every equipment under maintenance. This included historical service record, spares used, defects and repairs etc.

Operations improvement
Territory management, route planning, loading: they wanted to have the data on manpower utilization on different clusters so that they could tweak territory allocation at various levels.

Likewise, the customer also wanted to track SLA for customer service metrics like time to respond and time to close.

How Simply C2 was configured for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Configure Simply C2 for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Configuring equipment base for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Every equipment added to database

We populated Simply C2 database with installed equipment of all types. Simply C2 allows tracking of warranty and AMC by equipment serial number. We also ensured that specifications were added for each equipment type.

Equipment locations are mapped to the “sites” – by GPS co-ordinates, useful as many of the installations are in remote locations – without a proper postal address.

Repair tickets could be logged 24/7

Telecom tower maintenance: breakdowns can happen anytime

Ad hoc (repair) tickets were allowed to be logged 24/7 through the customer portal and mobile app (Simply C2). Repair tickets tracking was possible from logging to assignment to closure.

This allowed complete visibility to the progress of the tickets. Tickets were assigned to the engineer who managed the territory.

If the assigned engineer was absent or overloaded, the ticket could be re-assigned.

Telecom Tower Maintenance: Planned activities

Planned maintenance, site cleaning and refuel

Scheuled maintenance (PM) and site cleaning and refuel are periodic acitivies. While Site cleaning and inspection or refill of batteries take place at fixed intervals. PM and Refuel require dynamic interval scheduling. That is because they depend on wear and tear and fuel consumption (based on run hours) respectively.

We created custom variable or fixed schedules for refuel or PM as the case maybe for each equipment type.

Simply C2 mobile app

Telecom tower maintenance in deep countryside

We customized the dashboard for specific requirements of Telecom Tower Maintenance. In addition, other than the standard service reports, we provided custom reports for all aspects of their service operations.

We also configured alerts and system notifications for the impending contract expiry. Further, we pushed estimates and invoices through Simply C2.

These made the system transparent and interactive.

Summary of benefits seen by customer management for Simply C2 configured for Telecom Tower Maintenance

Customer service dashboard in Field service CRM

Clarity in data shared with customer

Clear visibility in operational metrics

Simply C2 gave them clear visibility into which equipment were prone to frequent breakdowns. Also, they could access the entire service history in one glance too.

It also provided history of repairs by site while ensuring the data was captured as part of regular visits.

In effect, it was easier to plan for overhauls and periodic services. In addition, scheduled maintenance reduced the incidents of breakdowns. Overall spares consumption also fell steadily too.

Dramatic fall in consumables and spares use

Tracking every single quantity

Simply C2 ensured logging every piece of spare part used in telecom tower maintenance. Also accounted for every litre of fuel or mililitre of lube oil. Customer also enforced taking photos of replacement parts for high value items.

Previously reconciliation of physical stock and “system stock” used to take weeks. Now it is a day’s job.

Now, the focus is on reducing wastage and stocking levels. Because now they had data on high velocity parts and those that do not move. This resulted in saving on working capital.

Predictive scheduling helped cut unnecessary visits

Big impact on operational cost and efficiency

Every time a technician visited a site, he logged the run hour for all electromechanical equipment. He also logged fuel level of Diesel Genset.

Simply C2’s predictive algorithm calculated

  • When the next PM visit should be planned.
  • When the next refueling must be done.

Consequently, this helped in cutting down needless visits to the sites. While saving on time and money.

Huge effect on operational efficiency

Clarity in assignment, automation in ticketing

The territory was well mapped to technicians and their managers. As a result, Simply C2 automatically assigned tickets when the customers logged them.

Further, the app sent out notifications to the assigned technician. Also, acknowledged the ticket to the customer. Further, it let the customer know the contact details of the technician so they could communicate directly.

Simply C2 unified platform for customer service configured for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Simply C2 made it easy for Telecom Tower Maintenance at scale

In summary, as the customer made tremendous gains in operarational metrics, the top management were well on track to achieving strategic objectives.

Still, we kept the Simply C2 core product intact and made minimum changes.

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