Water purification service centre case study

Pan India multiple service centres
A Simply C2 Case Study

Pan India Water purification service centres

Maintenance of water purification equipment in service centres across India

Water purification service centre for MMPV

Water purification service centres: why the need

Customer used Simply C2 to run Water Purification Service operations for equipment such as dosing pumps, Multi-port valves, Water ATMs and such.

Background: A leading manufacturer of water treatment equipment to OEMs needed to streamline and automate his customer service operations.

They used Simply C2 for the purpose of running water purification service centres.

About 10 service centres were set up across India.

The top reasons for setting up water purification service centres

Planning water purification service centres

What they wanted to achieve

The top 4 objectives behind implementing a water purification service chain

  1. Create a system for logging and prioritizing service calls. They wanted a system that will take away the pressure from the service team to respond on service tickets ad hoc.
  2. Analysis of performance – Monitor targets/ efficiency. Compare across equipment, service centres, technicians.
  3. Ensure confidence in fairness of the spares usage/ requirement- not change them arbitrarily and use only required parts. Also use only genuine.
  4. Establish 2-way communication with customers directly with the technicians. Automate ticket status updates as far as possible.

How Simply C2 was configured for Water Purification Service Centre

Configure for depot maintenance

Configured Simply C2 for Water Purification Service

Complaint logging and tracking through mobile app

We used Simply C2 standard interface for logging complaints. While doing so, we kept in mind the prime users: plumbers and OEMs who logged complaints. We wanted to make sure it was easy to use and adopt.

When the plumbers or OEMs logged a complaint, Simply C2 guided them to the nearest service centre for water purification service through in-app messaging and a WhatsApp message.

Manning water purification service centres appropriately

Appropriate staffing levels in every service centre

Each water purification service centre was headed by a service manager and he had juniors working with him.

While any ticket assigned to a service centre was visible to all the service engineers in the service centre; if one of them was absent or loaded, others could pick it up.

Configured for estimates and invoices

Itemized service estimates

We made it possible for the service technicians raise itemized service estimates from their mobile apps. The quotes would be pushed to the customer mobile app.

The technicians would start repair only when they received an approval of the estimates. Simply C2 automatically generated taxed invoices when the technician finsihed repair.

2-way messaging

Facilitating customer dialog

We created custom in-app notifications for specific requirements of Water Purification Service. We also enabled 2-way whatsapp based messaging.

The technician could be directly called or chatted with by the plumber/ OEM who had raised the ticket through the app.

Benefits seen by customer by using Simply C2 for setting up Water Purification Service Centres

water purification service benefits

Zero to 7 thousand

The number of purifiers added to database

Firstly, customers needed to add their details and equipment details only when logging service requests. Ticket logging was need based.

By making it part of the repair ticket workflow, the customer rapidly added 7000+ equipment in their database.

Also, they built up a database of faults and spares used over time.

Quick and predictable turnaround

Instant notifications, alerts and escalations

Due to instant assignments and alerts, the technicians knew instantly that they had to attend to a ticket. Management measured them on turnaround metrics.

In addition, Simply C2 mobile app allowed them to co-ordinate with the customers so that minor issues could be be resolved on chat or phone.

Transparent estimates and invoices

Building trust through transparency

Simply C2 app generated Itemized repair estimates. This helped build trust in the Water Purification Service system.

Also, the customers knew that these are genuine parts, at company price.

Instant updates of repair status

Saving time in responding to customer queries

As the technician updated the action taken on the ticket, Simply C2 instantly shared with the customer through the mobile app. Automatically.

Along with that, the technicians and drivers shared images and videos on WhatsApp and through the app and suggested repairs.

Simply C2 unified platform for customer service configured for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Simply C2 ran the water purification service centres for thousands of equipment across the country

The customer made large gains in operarational metrics. Additionally, the top management were well on track to achieving strategic objectives.

While doing this, we kept the Simply C2 core product intact, We also created a customized version of Simply C2 – with the customer brand.

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