Pan India Diesel Genset Maintenance Case Study

Field service management software – across India
A Simply C2 Case Study

35000 Diesel Genset maintenance in 25 states

650 service personnel in the field for PM and repair

Diesel Genset Maintenance Case Study

Diesel Genset Maintenance: Background and operational challenges

Simply C2 was used to run complete Diesel Genset Maintenance operations across India.

Background: A large DG set manufacturer has ~ 35,000 installations of DG sets across all major states of the country. Diesel Genset Maintenance is a major revenue source. A large number of (800+) field service personnel who are managed by service managers carry out the maintenance.
Their spare parts are stored in a central warehouse.

The Genset Manufacturer has a service delivery contract with its customers and dealers. The customer contracts specify the terms of service, the entitlements, pricing of various services etc. The dealer contracts specify the rate at which they will be compensated.

Strategic objectives of customer top management for Diesel Genset Maintenance Operations

Strategic objectives for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Top management strategic objectives for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Asset management
Updated health status of equipment: The company wanted to be on top of the uptodate health status for every equipment under maintenance. This included historical service record, spares used, defects and repairs etc.

Replacement analysis and planning
Customer wanted to be able to categorize equipment by performance based on metrics such as lube oil and fuel consumption to be able to judge which ones might be due for complete overhaul or even replacement with new assets.

Operations improvement
Territory management, route planning, loading: the management wanted to have the data on manpower utilization on different clusters so that they could tweak territory allocation at various levels.

Cost optimization:
The objective was to gain insights into loaded cost metrics for different activities so that the right actions could be planned on overall operations cost minimization.

People planning
The company wanted to profile the type of field service requirements and understand the skills needed, identify the gaps and be able to work with HR to bridge the skill gaps.

How Simply C2 was configured for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Configure Simply C2 for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Installed base of Diesel Genset

Warranty and AMC administration

All Diesel Gensets under maintenance contract or warranty were added to the Simply C2 customer database. Simply C2 allows tracking of warranty and AMC by equipment serial number.

Equipment locations are mapped to the “sites” – by GPS co-ordinates, useful as many of the installations are in remote locations – without a proper postal address.

Service Tickets: logging and tracking

Customer portal and mobile app

Breakdown and Preventive Maintenance tickets logging to assignment and closure. Customers could log complaints through the Simply C2 app or a specially designed customer portal. This allowed complete visibility to the progress of the tickets.

Tickets were assigned to the engineer who managed the territory.

If the assigned engineer was absent or overloaded, the ticket could be re-assigned.

Diesel Genset Maintenance Spares logistics

Stock movement logistics

A service operation of 800 service technicians pan-India can’t function without efficient availability of spares at all levels.

We configured Simply C2 for Diesel Genset Maintenance such that the central warehouse was responsible for procurement and stocking. Users at all levels could indent for spares on need basis or also stock locally.

At any given point of time, you had complete visibility of spares stock across the country- by part number and quantity.

Customizable, interactive, dashboards and reports

We customized the dashboard for specific requirements of Diesel Genset Maintenance. Other than the standard service reports, we provided custom reports for all aspects of their service operations.

We configured alerts and system notifications for the impending contract expiry. We also pushed estimates and invoices through Simply C2.

These made the system transparent and interactive.

Summary of benefits seen by customer management for Simply C2 configured for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Asset health improved, utilization went up

Clear visibility in operational metrics

Simply C2 gave them clear visibility into which equipment were prone to frequent breakdowns and what more, they could access the entire service history in one glance.

So, it was easier to plan for overhauls and periodic services. Scheduled maintenance reduced the incidents of breakdowns. Overall spares consumption also fell steadily.

SLA compliance went up for all tickets

Instant notifications, alerts and escalations

Due to instant assignments and alerts, the technicians not only knew that they had to attend to a ticket but also some tickets were more critical than others.

Simply C2 mobile app allowed them to see the direction and distance to the site they were going to thus the technicians could plan their day better. Team performance and individual performance could be measured and compared on metrics.

Huge improvement on stock management and reconciliation

Previously reconciliation of physical stock and “system stock” used to take weeks. Now it is a day’s job. Customer could see current stock levels at central warehouse, shipped/ in-transit, received by technician and used in repairs.

Focus can be on reducing wastage and stocking levels because now we had data on high velocity parts and those that do not move. We could then decide on appropriate stocking levels and free up working capital.

Large commercial impact

Zero revenue leakage, enhanced AMC renewal

Simply C2 tracked each equipment by serial number and mapped the warranty or AMC with appropriate service delivery to it. This ensured no case of customers getting free service. All services were billed, itemwise. This enhanced end-customer confidence in the services.

Simply C2 generated reports every month on the contracts expiring every month so that our customer could send out proposals for Diesel Genset Maintenance contract renewal. This helped in much higher rate of AMC renewals.

Simply C2 unified platform for customer service configured for Diesel Genset Maintenance

Simply C2 made it easy for Diesel Genset Maintenance at scale

The customer made tremendous gains in operarational metrics and the top management were well on track to achieving strategic objectives.

We kept the Simply C2 core product intact and made minimum changes.

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